LaBarge Landscape in Albuquerque offers the residential landscaping services you need to keep your lawn looking its best, and that includes the application of plant nutrition and weed- and pest-repelling substances. We are certified to spray herbicides and pesticides, although we prefer natural, pet- and people-friendly substances first.
Why You Need Fertilizing and Weed Control
Your landscaping is an investment in the value of your home. The return on your investment and the lasting enjoyment you get from it depends on how well it is maintained. Because native weeds are wildly aggressive, you need to take care not to let weed seeds take root. And because native soil is often nutrient-poor, your plants need supplementation.
Recommended Fertilizing and Weed Control Schedule
Every lawn, whether grass/sod or xeriscape, needs fertilizing and weed control. Treatment needs vary depending on the type of plants in your yard and presence or proximity of pests and weeds, but in general we recommend:
Three times each year for grass
Once each year for trees and shrubs
Pre-emergent Weed Control
One to two times each year—end of winter/beginning of spring and end of summer/beginning of fall
Post-emergent Weed Control
As needed (depends on type of weed(s) present)
We highly recommend pre-emergent weed spraying rather than waiting until weeds have invaded your yard. Preventative maintenance is more effective and cost-effective than treating full-grown weeds.
Preferred Natural, Organic Weed and Pest Control
To the greatest extent possible, LaBarge Landscape uses natural and/or organic substances for pest and weed control. When chemical herbicides or pesticides are needed, we:
Will inform you when we will be using chemicals and what type (spray or granular application)
Use substances that are non-toxic to wild and domesticated animals (pets) and humans
Use substances that do not harm your landscaping flora
If you have any questions or concerns about the substances used for fertilizing and/or weed control, please contact us. We are happy to provide the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for any substance we recommend for your yard.